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时间:2024-05-05 23:41 标签: HP Amsuhl/译者:AP 点击量:
警告,严重OOC。本书的哈利不切实际的早熟、喜欢讽刺、自信、自私、恶劣、聪明,甚至汤姆苏。但希望你们能够喜欢。 Okay. First, I warn you, OOCness. Severely. Harry in here is unrealistically precocious and sarcastic and confident, egoistic, malic

Okay. First, I warn you, OOCness. Severely. Harry in here is unrealistically precocious and sarcastic and confident, egoistic, malicious, clever, to the point of being a Gary-Stu. But hopefully you can all enjoy it.

Second, yes, I am perfectly aware that this has references to pop culture which did not exist in 1991, but I'm using it anyway. Take note of the parody genre. I am also aware that the humor is grossly exaggerated to the point of being unfunny and it is repetitive. I am very well aware of this story's flaws. And I will not delete it.
内容标签: HP

搜索关键字:主角:哈利波特,斯内普 ┃ 配角:HP其他人物 ┃ 其它:HarryPotter
